Hey Wax BAE's! Have you heard new estheticians or student estheticians use the statement "I HATE Wax!" As a licensed Esthetics instructor I've literally heard that statement many times while my students are learning how to wax. They truly don't hate wax, they hate the learning curve that comes with the skill. Learning how to control wax during application and learning which wax is generally best to use on specific body parts are two substantial lessons in the world of hair removal by waxing.
Controlling Wax
Portion control! Portion control! Portion control! is going to be the best friend of new and student estheticians while learning how to wax. When you begin controlling the amount of wax you pick up, you will have more control over your wax spreads, and the area you are waxing. Along with controlling your wax, you want to analyze the surface of the waxing area. Conduct a mental plan of how you're going to approach that particular section and begin the service. This way your controlling your wax and your direct waxing environment.
Which wax do you use for different body parts?
Lets start off by saying this can lead to a huge debate. However, there is a general textbook rule when it comes to selecting which wax is best for certain body parts. Hard wax is generally used for more coarse hairs on intimate areas of the body, specifically underarms and private parts. Soft wax is typically used on larger body parts such as legs, arms, and backs etc. Remember that these are textbook rules that generalize the use for hard and soft wax. These rules do not apply to individuals with allergic reactions and an intolerance for soft or hard wax formulas.
Last but not least! Learn Your Wax Formulas.
Soft wax and hard wax has different sub categories. There are different types of soft and hard waxes that serves an array of purposes. These formulas use specific ingredients for ease of application, grip, stretch, slow dry time, quick dry time and client pain sensitivities. These Formulas should be learned as you travel through your journey as a wax specialist.
Until next time Wax BAE's! This is your friendly yet informative Esthetics Instructor, Ms. Jen, signing off. Take care, feed your minds and enjoy your wax specialist journey.