It's safe to say that the world of body waxing can be confusing due to all the rules, processes, techniques, and not to mention the clients. What type of hard wax should you use on them? When shouldn't you use hard wax? It is imperative to know the ins and outs about wax in general. So, we are going to get down to the nitty gritty of hard wax in just a moment. Believe it or not knowing all about the different types of wax the hair removal industry has to offer can save you great mistakes and save your clients lots of pain. I know I just made it seem like there is so much to learn about the different formulas of wax, sorry, not sorry, it is a lot. So, lets start to dive into what's what, right now.
Clients come to us from all different walks of life, and for different services, with different needs, and contraindications. We as professionals have to address these situations and issues during a hair removal session. So it's ideal to have several different styles of wax, to select form instead of just age old soft honey wax and old school dark green hard wax ( that wax would dry in seconds and crack the next. LOL).
Hard wax comes in two different styles traditional hard wax and film hard wax.
Traditional hard wax is the tried and true formula that does not have a need for evolution because it WORKS. this is the wax that you learn how to utilize in most cosmetology schools during your esthetics program. Traditional hard wax is made out of beeswax, rosin and vegetable oil (typically). You will find ingredients in the traditional hard wax formulas that has been added to provide more comfort and skin care benefits for clients. I love when companies customize their wax with client comfort in mind. One great example is the Chocolate Daddy Traditional Hard Wax from Waxed By An Esthetician This wax has all of the traditional hard wax ingredients with the added benefit of copolymers to give pliability and coconut oil to add moisture to the skin. Not only that, if your a chocolate lover, get ready for chocolate aromatics all though your spot.
Another great thing about traditional hard wax is that it has its customer base. There isn't a need to figure out who can use traditional hard wax and for what services, unless your client has some type of sensitivity or allergic reaction. Brazilian wax clients should be the go to group when your utilizing your hard wax. The reason is because the bikini area is extremely sensitive. and the core of the body where our intimate areas are holds heat. Soft wax typically melts and will have difficulties sticking to the skin without utilizing advanced techniques. Hard wax adheres to the hair not the skin. Traditional hard wax also grips and coils around the hair, drying into a solid after catching air leaving a beautiful removal once an area has been waxed. Any hairs on the body that may resemble pubic hair, I'll give you a hint, underarm hair, traditional hard wax is a great selection for that area as well.
Film wax is your more flexible wax. It's pliable, has more movement and it spreads better. It's the more fluid of the two selections of hard wax. You may even hear people refer to film wax as flexi wax because it's known to be more flexible than traditional hard wax. Film wax has a different application than traditional hard wax. With traditional hard wax you have to apply two to three layers. It has to be a thicker application to perform well. With film wax typically one to two thin layers is all you need without risking the discomfort and pain your client has to feel due to a thin application and cracking if using traditional hard wax. Needless to say, DO NOT apply traditional hard wax the same way you apply film wax. Your client(s) will be PISSED. This is why it is so important to know and learn your products and supplies.
Who uses film wax, and where would you use it on a client? Well, film wax can be used on everyone. That's because it is a more sensitive formula. Facial waxing is ideal for utilizing film wax because its great for adhering to thin small hairs and the formula uses more sensitive ingredients like polymers and microcrystalline. Polymers are synthetic fibers (sometimes natural) added to wax to create its flexibility. Microcrystalline is the ingredient that gives film wax its smoothness, and fluid gliding while spreading it on clients.
Thanks again readers for allowing me to drop some Esty Instructor knowledge on you guys. I really enjoyed this post. If you enjoyed it also hit the heart for the girl, lol, and tell a friend too visit Waxed By An Esthetician. Until next time Wax BAE's, it's been a pleasure. Be Safe and take care.